Friday, January 29, 2016

TGIF-Thank God It's Fashion

Well… the weekend is here and I am so excited not only because it's Friday but because it's FASHION Friday. So one may ask what is Fashion Friday ? Little do one know, but you can find some of the best clothing coupons and deals from the most popular clothing stores during Friday-Sunday. Not sure if it has anything to do with the weekend or not, but during this 3 day period I noticed that some of the best deals occurs during this period. I'd caught on to this a longggg time ago, and I'm excited to share the news with you all :) It's best not to shop during the week, TRUST ME! WAIT until Friday morning-Sunday; this is when most retail stores spotlight some of the hottest deals in their store. Just think of it like this, those jeans that thought about purchasing for $59.99 on Tuesday afternoon, return to that very same store on Saturday morning, and I guarantee  YOU that a sale will be existing- and instead of paying full price for those jeans you can get a 10% or even 20% discount off. This is a popular tactic Retailers use to increase their sales to make their week quota. Check out the coupon below that can be useful this weekend for my fashionista/fashionister (Male/Female) at a popular retail store *MACYS* -Enjoy Xo Fashion


  1. :) Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely be keeping this in mind the next time I go shopping! -DW

  2. I love the energy and personality that burst out of your blog. Great idea to include coupons to encourage return visitors!
